Snehashish Govilkar

I would like to thank you a lot for processing my entire employment process including arranging my interviews untill I got hold of my flight ticket in my hands.

I never imagined that that this process would be so swift that it would be feel like none of the days have passed since I started correspondence with the RSR group.

I would like to thank you Mr. Rajesh Srivastava for helping me secure work permit within no time, which usually takes quite a considerable amount of time. He also gave his valuable guidance regarding how we should be prepared before we actually leavefor the country, right from weather till clothing and culture over the place.

I would also specially thank to Mr Adarsh Ahuja and Bhavika ma’am who helped me through the entire process since the beginning right from interview process till co-ordinating for my visa and travel itineraries. They groomed us for the process which one needs immense effort to do so.

Mr Rajesh and Mr Adarsh along with Bhavika ma’am also speeded up things with regards to our work permits and visa acquiring by pulling up their strings for arranging the documents at earliest.

The entire process took around 60 days for me to complete all the formalities till the time I’ll be flying just because of RSR Global team. It was my long-time dream to work in the UK which they made it come true.

Once again congratulations team RSR Global for the fantastic job you are doing.