Significance of Core Values In Employee Recruitment and Retention


At RSR Global, our core values are of utmost importance as it plays a significant role in employees recruitment and retention. Core values are the fundamental beliefs of our organization. These guiding principles dictate behavior and can help professionals understand the difference between right and wrong. Core values also help us determine if our specialists and applicants are on the right path and fulfilling their goals. Thus, a jobseeker would turn down a role at a company if they didn’t share its core values. It’s becoming clear that if an organization doesn’t take core values seriously, it’s putting itself at a serious disadvantage.

Strong and relevant core values shape a strong culture, by providing a form of unspoken leadership that guides and inspires employees and the workforce as a whole. These core values should be the foundation of everything you do throughout every aspect of business.

There are many ways one can embed its core values. The business decisions should be made keeping the values in mind. It should permeate through good leadership, reliable managers and leaders accountable for living the values. The leaders should demonstrate them through their everyday behavior. Employees don’t like hypocrites leading their organizations.

Choices should be made about the clients and suppliers based on those values. Provide recognition programs as a way for people to demonstrate how they are living company values, be it healthcare, medical or hospitality and to highlight examples of the kinds of behaviors that bring those values to life. Look at your internal recruitment processes on healthcare, medical and hospitality. Do you have candidates who represent what the company’s all about in their day to day behavior? Are they the ones being promoted?

Values aren’t only an essential part of effective recruitment. They are a crucial reason why people choose to stay working for you and they are also a vital element for attracting clients.

Core Values At RSR Global

A company’s core values directly impact the organization’s culture. At RSR Global, our culture, energy and excitement is contagious. We are true innovators and thought leaders. Our company’s core products and foundation are built from our employees ideas. Here are some of our company values:

  • agility
  • approachability
  • belonging
  • creativity
  • diversity
  • empowering
  • entrepreneurial
  • family-oriented
  • fun
  • hard work
  • inclusion
  • individualistic
  • learning
  • meritocracy
  • modern
  • nimble
  • originality
  • passion
  • respect for boundaries
  • shared prosperity
  • social responsibility
  • sustainability
  • learn-focused
  • traditional
  • work-life balance
  • humbleness and willpower
  • leadership by example
  • daring to be different
  • togetherness and enthusiasm
  • cost-consciousness
  • constant desire for renewal
  • accept and delegate responsibility

Examples of Corporate Core Values

At RSR Global, we refer to our core values as guiding principles that help to define how we should serve the community, within all sectors of recruitment. We have many examples of common core values for either healthcare, medical or hospitality recruitment at RSR Global

  • A commitment to sustainability and to act in an environmentally friendly way especially in hospitality recruitment.
  • A commitment to innovation and excellence especially in hospitality recruitment.
  • A commitment to do good for the whole community applicable in medical and healthcare recruitment.
  • A commitment to help those less fortunate applicable in medical and healthcare recruitment.
  • A commitment to build strong communities.

Recruiting Professionals Who Share Your Core Values In Healthcare, Medical and Hospitality

Here are several steps you can take:

  • Your first step in building a value based recruitment plan is to map out what beliefs and standards are important in this regard. Think about the different values that go into your organization, including individual values, societal values, brand values and organizational values. Build upon your list until you are confident in the values you have established. This will act as the foundation for your values based recruitment strategy.
  • When recruiting based on values, you want to be sure that those values are appearing in job adverts and postings, as well as on your career page. Infusing the values you have just identified in each and every job posting can ensure you are attracting the right audience from the very beginning.
  • Pre-employment assessments are tools or methods of evaluating candidates. They can include hard skill tests, interviews, cultural, behavioral, or cognitive tests. In other words, pre-employment assessments are any measures you take to get to know your candidates a bit better, usually at the beginning of the recruitment process.
  • Cognitive ability tests, including puzzles or brain games, assesses the levels at which a candidate learns. This includes solving problems and understanding instructions. Cognitive ability tests are particularly useful in measuring values related to problem solving or reasoning.
  • Personality questionnaires allow applicants to measure how strongly they disagree or agree with certain statements or situations. This is great for evaluating six major dimensions of personality including honesty-humility, emotionality, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness to experience.
  • Situational judgment tests use text, videos, images and questions to create lifelike scenarios where applicants can respond according to how they would react on the job. This provides insight into how a candidate might perform when on the job and also shows the candidates the realities of the job they are applying for.
  • Like pre-employment assessments, values-based interview techniques help you get to know your candidates better before you make a hiring decision. Role-play, interview questions based on values and follow-up questions can all help you identify candidates who fit your culture.
  • An assessment center provides an additional look at a candidate’s values through group exercises, role-play scenarios and other opportunities that show various aspects of their abilities. Incorporating an assessment center into your hiring or recruitment process can provide a more realistic look to your candidates, helping you determine whether or not their values match your own.
  • Translate values into action or behavioral based terms. Defining how your team members should behave in certain situations enables you to access interviewees with specific questions that reveal their core values.
  • Make your core values public. Create a page on your website that describes your values and reference them in job ads.
  • Create an onboarding process that includes cultural induction. Many companies do not have a well-defined onboarding and training process for new recruits. Go against the grain. Make cultural orientation part of your onboarding.
  • Make decisions based on your core values. Now that you have defined and expressed what your core values are, you must live congruently with them. This may mean making difficult and uncomfortable decisions at times. You may need to restructure your team or reevaluate vendor partnerships that compromise your values. You may need to turn down opportunities that are not a right fit for your organization. But in the long term, this will mean retaining key people within your organization for longer duration.

Employee Retention

RSR Global understands that employee turnover is expensive. Taking the time to find the perfect candidate, providing them with effective training they and getting hiring resources is time consuming too. However, there’s one thing organizations can do before they start the hiring process to make sure they are bringing on board the right people- creating and honing a list of organizational values.

Navigating Your Organization’s Core Values

The crucial step in enhancing employee retention begins from the start, with the exploration of your organization’s fundamental values.

Examine the combination of aligned values, beliefs, behaviors, and collective experiences to determine the essence of your workplace. It is essential to acknowledge that organizational culture and values should not be restricted.

In reality, they evolve in two distinct manners. Firstly, you can actively explain and nurture them to shape the desired environment, or secondly, they can organically emerge from the beliefs and experiences of your workforce.

Once you’ve identified a set of values to refine and propagate, they become the driving force behind every action, strategy, decision, and communication, whether it’s the recruitment process or aspects like performance evaluations.

But what should these values require?

They should be valid and motivating – appealing individuals to seek employment in your organization while ensuring that the values remain relevant. Generic values risk leaving employees uncertain about their place within the organization.

Moreover, clear communication is imperative – everyone within the organization should be well-versed in its values. This involves more than just providing a handbook at the onset of employment; it requires solidification through training, recognition programs, and other initiatives.

Furthermore, wholehearted acceptance is essential – organizational values must be accepted by all to achieve success.Instances of senior personnel disregarding these values can lead to their rejection by others.

Why organization’s values matter for employee retention?

As a result, certain employees are more likely to leave, leading to a high turnover with high costs.

To avoid such situations, employees should feel comfortable to mesh well with their organization and coworkers. Having a strong team with a set of shared beliefs and values means companies can adapt and thrive quicker than those that don’t

Ultimately, your organization’s values contribute to employee retention in three fundamental ways.

1.Elevating Candidate Standards

When candidates align with your organization’s core values and express their admiration for them, they exhibit a greater desire for employment with your company.This, in turn, expands the spectrum of potential candidates and heightens the probability of attracting top-tier individuals to participate in interviews

2. Cultivating Reputation

Companies that vocally champion their values garner more respect than those that do not. Consider renowned brands like Google, which heavily rely on their core values to attract top talent and foster a creative and globally renowned work environment.A workplace recognized for its robust culture and unwavering values gains acclaim swiftly.

3. Drawing Like-Minded Staff

When you openly communicate your core values, you can not only expand your list of potential candidates but also draw in individuals who share those values.People naturally gravitate towards those with similar beliefs, so being transparent about your values increases the likelihood of recruiting employees who already identify with them. These individuals incorporate more seamlessly and are less prone to turnover, thus enhancing employee retention.

How to convey your organizational values to employees

  • SHARE YOUR VALUES WITH THE WORLD-put your values out there so that potential employees can see them before their interview. A simple page on your website will do the trick.
  • CREATE A CULTURAL INDUCTION-when you hire new staff, turn your onboarding process into a cultural induction too so that new employees can quickly get acquainted with your core values and what’s expected of them and the organization.

Once you have nailed your core values and listed them on your site for potential employees to scour, you can then make sure you emphasize them in the interview.

Finding the right employees is key to boosting employee retention and creating a successful workforce. The first step in that process is building a set of core values and beliefs. This way you will attract people who will fit in, leading to increased employee satisfaction.

At RSR Global, our community is comprised of ambitious individuals all with the drive to improve ourselves and the market. Our team collaborates, we work hard, we laugh a lot, we are authentic and we embrace change, allowingus to maintain our reputation position in the recruitment world.

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